Friday, February 24, 2012

When it becomes “For God and my Stomach”

God what happened to your people, how could we be so selfish, how could we be so uncaring for a person of the same image – a person so deserving of a good life like that that we have – this world of abundance should have enough for all really!

We have been hit with all sorts of challenges in the recent past, let me name just a few from Jiggers, floods, draughts, land wrangles to nodding disease just name it and we have experienced it somewhere more recently a rare skin problem in the oil town!

This week I could not resist writing about it anymore, the observer made me cry, why? God! Does it have to be the same people from war, poverty, land wrangles to nodding disease now? The questions continue to torment me have we put in enough effort at least to reduce the stress on the community, are we working with them to show compassion, care and love?

We sit in our offices, parliament and talk about nodding disease like it is affecting monkeys or chimpanzees or a less human animal, we take months debating supplementary budgets and so forth, we go on with life like our own are really a thing for the god’s – the small gods!!!

While we load heaps of praise on this parliament, it cannot even take from their pockets (imagine 1 M from each – they can afford) to support services in the nodding disease affected areas instead they defend the funds for their cars!

What a shameless group of guys looking up to free cars :-(

How many offices in this country deserve cars, a fat salary, comfort and all the good things that would motivate them do their work, we have rubbished hard work and studies, we have rubbished technical staff like engineers, accountants, doctors, architects, economists, social workers, teachers … we have even rubbished entrepreneurship (it sometimes takes forever to bring returns) and made it the in thing to be a politician and if not corruption is the other option!

We should raise the question of remunerations for all offices of government, otherwise the imbalances will continue to increase and cause endless conflict in various offices …

A country of two worlds one where life goes on the fast lane at the other end and one where one is surprised to have made it to the next day, with each day slipping away slowly accompanied by dwindling hope for a better future! A country where there is no interest knowing about Kitgum, for what anyway many young people will ask – where is that again? Kit manya what? This is where we live two worlds!

We should do something any person with means show compassion, care and love for humanity! I hope I have shared some touching thoughts …


B-Rich Man said...

My followers after a news paper article kicked off a very heated argument I learned so much, in argument was a Teacher, Doctor, High level Government guy & Some entrepreneurs - I now believe that the MP's may deserve those cars like other deserving Ugandans - so let them get good facilitation at a lower cost to Government and argue for good legislature so that others may get better pay and facilitation too ...

ARIAKA said...

The MPs do not deserve fuel guzzling 4 wheelers. I have argued in the past, that our politics needs reconstruction, so that it is so unattractive, that people who aspire to that office should have no need to acquire wealth and status, but to contribute honestly towards the improvement of society. ..and they have to be 40 years plus. Recently we elected into the August House someone who has not lost their virginity....and now male MPs are forming a beehive to...Hiihhhhhiii!!!